

Notification Box is a social proof WordPress plugin that helps increase website’s conversion rates and more importantly increase affiliate commissions. This WordPress plugin is essential for any affiliate store running on WordPress. It is compatible with WooCommerce, BuddyPress and can display content from any custom post type. It allows you to display social proof notifications, which increase trust and confidence in your products or services. By displaying recent customer activity, you can show potential customers that others are using and enjoying your products or services. This helps to increase conversion rates by instilling a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out).

The benefits of using Notification Box are:


  • Keep visitors engaged and decrease the Bounce Rate on your site
  • Display posts (custom posts too now) and pages visitors have viewed
  • Display what other visitors have viewed or products they are thinking of purchasing (requires WooCommece)
  • Create rules where to display the Notification Box
  • Display BuddyPress activity log
  • Limitless possibilities by including shortcodes in the Custom Notifications

Some of the features of the Notification Box WordPress plugin are:


  • Menu location on the main side panel
  • Display notification messages based on custom post types
  • Display notification messages based on rules
  • Hide show Time within the notification box
  • Ability to export, import, clear settings
  • Ability to clear logs
  • Supports additional Extension Plugins – click here to see a list
  • Customizable floating pop up notification that displays recent visits to your pages or posts or even products (requires WooCommerce).
  • Display the following information in a Notification Box: Custom Message, Title, Thumbnail Image and how long ago the page/post, product was viewed or clicked
  • Display a custom message, image, featured product, shortcode or anything else you can think of.
  • The custom message has its own timer settings of when to display and for how long.
  • Ability to change colour of the sidebar using a colour picker or leave it to the default to match your existing theme
  • Ability to enter the size (width and height of the notification box)
  • Supports Woocommerce pages and can track/display when a product was added to the cart. Also works with affiliate links.
  • Supports BuddyPress to display the latest activity logs.
  • Settings to change when the notification box appears. Option to set the first notification so that it appears quicker than the others. This is to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Subtle and elegant fade in/out effect for each notification box.
  • Ability to set how long the notification is displayed (in seconds).
  • Includes a logging feature to display the number of times a page/post/product has been viewed.
  • Ability to set how long to keep the logging information.
  • For products in WooCommerce, it also detects how many times the add to cart or buy now button was clicked.
  • Can be positioned be located on the bottom left or right-hand corner.
  • The size and look of the notification box can be changed via the admin interface.
  • We have set the system not to display the first 60 seconds of visits (your own visits)